Pond & Lake Liners - Midland Butyl specialists in the fabrication and installation of genuine Butyl rubber liners and other types of membrane for ponds, lakes, tanks, reed beds and water features.

Single Ply Roof Membranes - Midland Butyl provides a complete range of solutions for the installation of superior flat roofing including DIY kits made up to your requirements.

Whatever your requirement, be it for a pond-liner, roofing, a boxliner or a DIY Roofing kit, Midland Butyl's standard delivery is no more than three days from your order leaving the workshops. Urgent deliveries can be arranged by a simple phone call and there's an overnight express delivery service too at a small extra charge

About Us...

With over 1,000,000 sq.m of Midland Butyl's products in use around the world, the company is now one of the best known fabricators and suppliers of Swedish - made Butyl pond liners, geotextile under cushions and flat roof systems in the United Kingdom. Since 1986, the company has successfully built a reputation for quality and reliability with a service second to none. Services which include supply-only, emergency facilities and installation, are augmented by a range of DIY Flat Roofing kits with full instructions and made-to-order boxliners.

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Front Cover Images of Midland Butyl Catalogue

Midland Butyl Catalogue cover from 23 March, 2006
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